
The assessments below are non-standard/narrative assessments designed and developed by Dr Lanette Hattingh. They have been used to assess over 1 000 000 candidates in South Africa and Uganda. 

Verbal reasoning

This is a measurement of the ability to read and to understand printed text accurately. One needs to be able to understand, assimilate and process all messages conveyed in both spoken language and written text. It is also essential to be able to express oneself accurately in spoken and written form of communication.

This assessment consists of 15 questions and has a time limit of 15 minutes.

Numerical reasoning

This not only measures the ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide, but it also assesses the use of mathematical skills to solve problems and meet the demands of day-to-day living in complex social settings. This assessment tests a persons ability to communicate quantitatively, to make sense of data, patterns and sequences and to identify situations where mathematical reasoning needs to be employed to solve problems.

This assessment consists of 15 questions and has a time limit of 15 minutes.

Non-verbal reasoning

This is the ability to analyse information and solve problems by using visual and hands-on reasoning. The quiz assesses the ability to identify relationships between objects, similarities between objects and memorising these. These skills are essential for critical thinking as well as problem-solving. It provides a good indication of potential and general intelligence.

This assessment consists of 15 questions and has a time limit of 15 minutes.

Speed, accuracy & memory

To assess competencies in areas of accuracy, work speed and short term memory. This is essential to ensure candidates have a high level of accuracy when checking or giving information. It measures the ability of a person to compare text, numbers, or patterns quickly and accurately and also to detect (quickly and accurately) errors in text or numerical data of various sorts. A good memory is also an important quality to enable a candidate to retain information to answer frequently asked questions. 

This assessment consists of 15 questions and has a time limit of 7 minutes.