Pre-selection assessments

The assessments can be accessed once all the required profile information has been provided. The assessments can by accessed by pressing them 'Complete assessments' button. Before accessing the assessments, candidates are required to accept the the following undertaking:

I, the jobseeker:

  1. Undertake to complete all assessments as accurately and honestly as possible.
  2. Give consent that my biographical information and assessment results may be shared with prospective employers.
  3. Understand that if it is found that I have cheated in ANY of the assessments, my profile will be blocked on the service.
  4. Understand that I may only register and complete the assessments once.
  5. Understand that any employment decisions that may arise as a result of using this platform are at the sole discretion of the employer. 
  6. Accept that I will not be able to proceed unless I accept these conditions.
  7. By clicking Agree, I accept and will abide by these conditions.